
Dama Agreement Cairns

If you`re familiar with the world of indigenous land rights, then you`ve probably heard of the Dama Agreement Cairns. This historic agreement between the Kuuku Ya`u people and the Queensland government was signed in 1997 and has since become a symbol of successful Indigenous land management.

The Dama Agreement Cairns was named after the location of the signing ceremony which took place in the city of Cairns. It marked the culmination of several years of negotiations between the Kuuku Ya`u and the state government. The agreement transferred 55,000 hectares of land in the Cape York region to the Kuuku Ya`u people, giving them ownership and management rights over their traditional lands.

One of the key aspects of the Dama Agreement Cairns was the recognition of the cultural and environmental significance of the land. The Kuuku Ya`u people have lived on the Cape York Peninsula for thousands of years and have a deep connection to the land. The agreement allowed them to continue to practice traditional land management practices such as controlled burning and hunting while ensuring the conservation of threatened species and habitats.

The Dama Agreement Cairns also paved the way for economic development opportunities for the Kuuku Ya`u people. The agreement allowed for the creation of a National Park with joint management between the Kuuku Ya`u people and the Queensland government. This has resulted in the establishment of eco-tourism ventures which have brought economic benefits to the community while also promoting the conservation of the environment.

In addition to the benefits for the Kuuku Ya`u community, the Dama Agreement Cairns has also been hailed as a successful example of Indigenous land management. The agreement has been praised for its collaborative approach between Indigenous people and the government and for its recognition of the importance of traditional land management practices.

The Dama Agreement Cairns is a reminder of the importance of recognizing Indigenous land rights and the benefits that can come from collaboration and shared decision-making. It is an example of how Indigenous knowledge and practices can be used to achieve environmental and economic outcomes that benefit both the community and the wider society.

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